This project concerns the provision and access of *material means of subsistence and wellbeing*. ‘Material’ is far from simple.
This is a branch from Living economy.
It stretches all the way from wild Nature and the thermodynamics of the planet, to the artifice-gone-feral of algorithmic machines in post-Fordist systemofacture. We'll discuss this more under 5 Commoning since very different kinds of commons call for differing forms and formations of practice.
Just for good measure, wellbeing is far from simple too; likewise, the geography and politics of access.
We can think of this project as both transition to an *associated, mutualist* mode of production, sharing Robin’s sense *(add note - schumacherpodcast xxx)* of an economist’s personal life-project, hatching a contemporary ‘Adam Smith’ capability for the next (ie currently ongoing) transition, and urgently engaging *global environmental crisis*.
The root-and-branch remaking of the regime and its dynamics - the relations through which it is continuously produced - is complex beyond ordinary imagining; and the project is vital, for the possibilities of wellbeing **of our grandchildren’s grandchildren**.
Life is at the centre of this project in so many senses, that tagging it as Making the Living Economy seems fully appropriate.