
Here we consider infrastructuring as a common orientation of the three constitutive project: in the real economy, in the capability of making that is common ground in ‘ordinary working people’, and in capability in matters of the heart.

Set out as above, it’s apparent that these projects are very distinct, have their own structures of feeling, skills, means; and yet, none succeeds without the others. They are fundamental to each other. How do we advance them?

How do we *infrastructure* them, furnish them with tools, media, landscapes of provision, affordances of scope and scale? They are vital. How do we renew them - as legacy and as the practice of *continuous making of legacy* - and engage them with the lives of those who are beginning to discover what we ourselves, as baby-boomer and war-baby activists - began to discover, way back when, as the dominant, damaging, durable regime of what we quaintly called 'late capitalism' was shifting gear, and has continued to do?

I feel that these three generational-historical projects, related to the Robin community, should be taken forward in an explicit and **mutually supporting, interlaced way**, not only through documents (the Robin archive website, the L&W book, the Book Group book, blogs, articles, etc) but **in ventures**. I’ve come to feel that this is the Robinish way to do it.

Through attending to what *formacion* meant for Robin - in the Fairtrade sphere, for example, or in a rural local economy - and now seeing this as pivotal, I’m now beginning to assemble a proposal for *a cluster of multistakeholder-coop ventures* that will facilitate formacion in organisations which are making the living economy. For reasons I’ll elaborate below, I am calling this cluster-venture **Conviv**: it relates to Ivan Illich’s *tools for conviviality*.

>More on conviviality to follow xxx